As my reign came to an end this past weekend, it was truly bittersweet!
Congratulations to the new Beauties of America's Queens! I know it will be the most amazing year! Thank you Jennifer Reed for being such a wonderful person as well as director! I will miss my pageant sisters...Katie-Britt, Suzanne, Lisa, and Carol! Thank you all for a wonderful weekend, and I hope to see you all again in 3 more years...when I can compete in the 20's!
Thank you Tim at the Pageantcast! You again rocked it out with excellent coverage and we appreciate it so much! I want to personally thank you for helping me out too!
With or without a title, I will continue "to be the change I wish to see in the world" as I continue this amazing journey of life!
I love you all and am a better person because of this opportunity!
Loving life...and ready for my next challenge!
Laurie Kimsey
2008 America's Teen
Monday, August 17, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Billy's Nightmare! lead role goes to....America's Teen!
Wow! What an amazing year! Laurie Kimsey, America's Teen recently accepted the lead role of Vanessa Harper in the horror thriller filming August til October 2009 "Billy's Nightmare"
The feature film will be produced by Anthony Thomas Productions in NC!
Filming will begin shortly following the National pageant, and film throughout September and into October 2009. Laurie will play the lead female Vanessa and you will all have to keep a watch out for the exciting debut in 2010!
Will she live or die??? What will happen to Vanessa??? aka...America's Teen 2008???
Loving life and living it to the fullest!!
Laurie Kimsey
America's Teen 2008
The feature film will be produced by Anthony Thomas Productions in NC!
Filming will begin shortly following the National pageant, and film throughout September and into October 2009. Laurie will play the lead female Vanessa and you will all have to keep a watch out for the exciting debut in 2010!
Will she live or die??? What will happen to Vanessa??? aka...America's Teen 2008???
Loving life and living it to the fullest!!
Laurie Kimsey
America's Teen 2008 the time has flown!!!
I cannot believe that this summer has FLOWN by so quickly!
Since June 1st, as America's Teen I have had SO many wonderful opportunities and doors that I have walked through!
On June the 8th I had the opportunity to meet the owner and designer of RIVA Designs in Duluth GA! Sonny and Alex were so wonderful, and I may have some oppotunity to model for some of their ads and shows in the near future across the United States!
Then of course there is NO PLACE LIKE HOME when I returned to my roots in Thomasville, NC for a farm photo shoot with Dan Nunnally from Nashville, TN!
Dan is an amazing photographer that is the official photographer for Coyote Ugly in Nashville TN, and a phenomenal photographer for Ujena Swimwear!....and did I mention the owner of Sexy Vision Swimwear/Bikinis of which I am their spokesmodel??
He traveled to my birth town of Thomasville NC for a photo shoot on the farm I and my Mom grew up on to shoot me down home style! It was great....and forever memorable to me! Thanks so much Dan!
Then I traveled to the East Coast Large Car Show in Augusta, New Jersey on June 13th!
We had a great time looking and of course shooting some amazing pics of some incredibly well decorated and artistically painted tractor trailers on display at the show!
Alan Davidson at WOW Prom once again opened his doors to me, America's Teen, in the private Atlanta showroom at the Merchandise Mart in Atlanta GA! I modeled for two days, private viewings only, for WOW prom on June 16 and 17, 2009! Thanks again Alan for all your support this year!
June 20, the Charlotte Knights Baseball team welcomed America's Teen during the throwing out of the first pitch! I am such a huge sports nut!! It was amazing!
July 4th! So you think it's just Independence Day??? Well think again, it was LOU GEHRIG's day! I celebrated July 4th honoring the great Lou Gehrig as an advocate for the research and cure for ALS! He was such an awesome player, and I dedicate this 4th of July to you Lou! IN LOVING MEMORY OF LOU GEHRIG! July 4, 2009! Laurie, America's Teen !
StandOut Retreat! America's Teen represented the Beauties of America on July 10th, 11th, and 12th in Alta Vista VA for 3 days of facing fears, learning about myself, and studied about leadership and nutrition and wellness! Thank you AT Dunn and Chelsea Cooley Altman for your guidance and a great time!
July 25, 2009:
America's Teen washes dirty bikes for Eastern Dirt Magazine at Gastonia Suzuki!!
Thank you Al Roof for the invite!! We had a great time!! Laurie :)
July 27th: Poolside at Daytona Beach Resort with America's Teen! A round of virgin Strawberry Daquiris for everyone! Laurie Kimsey, America's Teen signed autographs and had a great day playing football and swimming with guests in Daytona Beach FL!
America's Teen takes DAYTONA BEACH and WINS the hula hoop contest at Bubba Gump Shrimp!! July 30th, 2009
July 31st, 2009: America's Teen had a great time shopping the world's largest flea market in Daytona Beach FL! We had a wonderful time shopping for some fabulous beach attire, some cool egyptian flare, and beautiful beaded jewelry! Thank you everyone for your the great shopping trip!
BEAUTY AND THE BEACH in the BAHAMAS! Fabulous beach retreat with Miss Universe contestants in Nassau, Cable Beach, Bahamas!! AWESOME!!! August 7th!
August 8th! Straw Market Photo Shoot with Carter Studios in Nassau Bahamas!!
August 9th! Sunrise Shoot in Nassau Bahamas with Carter Studios! America's Teen goes International with an amazing American Photographer!! Loving it!! Laurie :)
August 10th! Miss University Model Search Competition! Congratulations to Jenny Price, Miss Sun Fun Myrtle Beach and the new Miss University! You're awesome Jenny!
Cable Beach VIP Party! America's Teen partied with the most awesome celebrities like
Brett Claywell from "One Life To Live" him dance !!!
Nancy Garcia from Bravo....we really need to make that reality show rock!
My football is ready!!
Randi from "ABC" Television
Rachel Kroes from "E!" You rock girlfriend!! :)
Everyone was really wonderful and I am so glad I had the opportunity to meet all of you from the many networks!! Thanks so much! Laurie Kimsey, America's Teen 2008
Since June 1st, as America's Teen I have had SO many wonderful opportunities and doors that I have walked through!
On June the 8th I had the opportunity to meet the owner and designer of RIVA Designs in Duluth GA! Sonny and Alex were so wonderful, and I may have some oppotunity to model for some of their ads and shows in the near future across the United States!
Then of course there is NO PLACE LIKE HOME when I returned to my roots in Thomasville, NC for a farm photo shoot with Dan Nunnally from Nashville, TN!
Dan is an amazing photographer that is the official photographer for Coyote Ugly in Nashville TN, and a phenomenal photographer for Ujena Swimwear!....and did I mention the owner of Sexy Vision Swimwear/Bikinis of which I am their spokesmodel??
He traveled to my birth town of Thomasville NC for a photo shoot on the farm I and my Mom grew up on to shoot me down home style! It was great....and forever memorable to me! Thanks so much Dan!
Then I traveled to the East Coast Large Car Show in Augusta, New Jersey on June 13th!
We had a great time looking and of course shooting some amazing pics of some incredibly well decorated and artistically painted tractor trailers on display at the show!
Alan Davidson at WOW Prom once again opened his doors to me, America's Teen, in the private Atlanta showroom at the Merchandise Mart in Atlanta GA! I modeled for two days, private viewings only, for WOW prom on June 16 and 17, 2009! Thanks again Alan for all your support this year!
June 20, the Charlotte Knights Baseball team welcomed America's Teen during the throwing out of the first pitch! I am such a huge sports nut!! It was amazing!
July 4th! So you think it's just Independence Day??? Well think again, it was LOU GEHRIG's day! I celebrated July 4th honoring the great Lou Gehrig as an advocate for the research and cure for ALS! He was such an awesome player, and I dedicate this 4th of July to you Lou! IN LOVING MEMORY OF LOU GEHRIG! July 4, 2009! Laurie, America's Teen !
StandOut Retreat! America's Teen represented the Beauties of America on July 10th, 11th, and 12th in Alta Vista VA for 3 days of facing fears, learning about myself, and studied about leadership and nutrition and wellness! Thank you AT Dunn and Chelsea Cooley Altman for your guidance and a great time!
July 25, 2009:
America's Teen washes dirty bikes for Eastern Dirt Magazine at Gastonia Suzuki!!
Thank you Al Roof for the invite!! We had a great time!! Laurie :)
July 27th: Poolside at Daytona Beach Resort with America's Teen! A round of virgin Strawberry Daquiris for everyone! Laurie Kimsey, America's Teen signed autographs and had a great day playing football and swimming with guests in Daytona Beach FL!
America's Teen takes DAYTONA BEACH and WINS the hula hoop contest at Bubba Gump Shrimp!! July 30th, 2009
July 31st, 2009: America's Teen had a great time shopping the world's largest flea market in Daytona Beach FL! We had a wonderful time shopping for some fabulous beach attire, some cool egyptian flare, and beautiful beaded jewelry! Thank you everyone for your the great shopping trip!
BEAUTY AND THE BEACH in the BAHAMAS! Fabulous beach retreat with Miss Universe contestants in Nassau, Cable Beach, Bahamas!! AWESOME!!! August 7th!
August 8th! Straw Market Photo Shoot with Carter Studios in Nassau Bahamas!!
August 9th! Sunrise Shoot in Nassau Bahamas with Carter Studios! America's Teen goes International with an amazing American Photographer!! Loving it!! Laurie :)
August 10th! Miss University Model Search Competition! Congratulations to Jenny Price, Miss Sun Fun Myrtle Beach and the new Miss University! You're awesome Jenny!
Cable Beach VIP Party! America's Teen partied with the most awesome celebrities like
Brett Claywell from "One Life To Live" him dance !!!
Nancy Garcia from Bravo....we really need to make that reality show rock!
My football is ready!!
Randi from "ABC" Television
Rachel Kroes from "E!" You rock girlfriend!! :)
Everyone was really wonderful and I am so glad I had the opportunity to meet all of you from the many networks!! Thanks so much! Laurie Kimsey, America's Teen 2008
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Congrats to Miss Relay for !!!

Hi All!
I had a wonderful time tonight, well last night???, hanging out at the North Myrtle Beach High School Relay for Life Event! It was so much fun!
The highlight of the evening was the Miss Relay for Life Contest. These young "women", okay so young fellas that look like women, turned on the charm as 14 delegates worked the stage and answered an onstage question relating to themselves and a school "rumor" about them! It was so funny! Some of the contestants answered, "Yes, it is okay to sleep in class if I'm tired!", or "I don't really think it makes a difference whether or not you go to class.", and the ultimate interview answer of the night was simply, "Ummmm, I am just here for the cancer."
After showboating and interviews, each of the contestants posed, okay played around, onstage while their escorts scurried around collecting dollars.
At the top of the evening, MISS Bryant Stacy was crowned with a Wal-Mart tiara and given a bouquet of beautiful roses for winning the event! He tearfully requested his photo to be taken with his best friend, ME - America's Teen !
Throughout the lightening in the background, the intermittent drizzle, and soggy luminaires, North Myrtle Beach is rocking through the night with a fantastic Relay for Life!
On a serious note, let's all never forget the race for the cure and the need for ongoing support of your local, state, and national American Cancer Society and events like Relay for Life! These are so important for the fight against cancer and the need for a cure!
Congrats once more to Miss Relay for Life, Bryant Stacy!
Laurie Kimsey, America's Teen :)
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day 2009

Today is May 25, 2009....Memorial Day 2009.
This day is such a bittersweet holiday, especially for us remembering a specific Veteran today.
My thoughts, prayers, and love to all of you families and friends that are thinking about a special someone today and thinking about how so many men and women are out there fighting for our country....some that have dedicated their entire lives to the service of our country and others whose lives were shortened while sacrificing their lives for our freedom, safety and well-being.
As many of you know, that have read my blogs, my Uncle Jerry was in the military for over 20 years. He was my sponsor that helped me get into pageants, modeling, and acting. He paved the way for me to have the life that I have achieved to this point and for that I am so grateful. He was a Navy man, that until he passed in 2007 he always showed respect and love for our country. As I spend this Memorial Day in remembrance of the Veterans and those who allow us to live in the great USA I think of how lucky and blessed we all are to have such wonderful family, friends, acquaintances, and many men and women that have given their lives for our country.
My freshman year of high school, I was actually in the NJROTC, yes I really was! lol
I remember how proud Uncle Jerry was of me for signing up. He came to my ceremonies and meets. He even rented a limosine for my NJROTC friends and I to ride in to the Military Ball. So many of the ROTC members knew Uncle Jerry and appreciated his quiet discreet support of the club.
As I said before, this is a bittersweet holiday, so as I really miss my Uncle Jerry, I am so thankful for the Patriotism he taught me.
It is also a wonderful for appreciating my Dad, Brett....once a Marine always a Marine! Sempre Fi!!! The hamburgers, hot dogs, and fun in the sun are always pretty special and GREAT memories in the making!
So Happy Memorial Day everyone!
May it be a happy day of wonderful memories past as well as new memories for the future!!
Laurie Kimsey
America's Teen
Pageantry Magazine :) Thanks BOA!!!

Thank you to the Beauties of America pageant for allowing me to be featured in Pageantry Magazine!!
Carter Studios did another amazing job on my photo to prepare for the new Pageantry and I was so excited to be representing the BOA system as America's Teen!
Thank you Jennifer!
Much love to all of my pageant sisters!!
Beauties of America is such a wonderful system that really focuses on the accomplishments and successes of women of ALL ages!
Give our website a try at and join us in the August 2009 pageant!
AND just want to give a BIG THANK YOU and SHOUT to Tim at The Pageant Cast!! He supports and endorses the Beauties of America's system! We were also the WEBSITE of the WEEK and we just want to say "THANKS TIM!" we've just gotta set up that interview soon! :)
Sending my love! Hope to see everyone at BOA in August!
Laurie Kimsey
America's Teen
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Back home in Myrtle Beach ! I am blessed !

Hello Everyone!
It's really been a busy couple of weeks! Two Verizon commericals, Paranormal, and several auditions! I am having the time of my life, and I am thankful for so many things and so many people that have affected my life.
This is really a chance to thank a few of the many important people in my life!
First of all I want to say Happy Birthday Mamaw!! My Grandparents attended my pageant last August when I won my title of Beauties of America. It was so awesome to have them there. After the pageant I invited them to come up on stage for a photo and my Mamaw fell and broke her leg! It was a tough ending to such a wonderful night, but I still believe all things happen for a reason! She turned 67 today and Papaw just turned 71 last week on the 12th! They are such a strong God-fearing couple, and I am so thankful to have them as my Grandparents.
Next I want to thank a close friend that help me really step up my modeling a few years ago. Mike Eaddy from Lake City SC (near Florence)took me under his wing as a 15 year old and saw a spark in me that he wanted to develop....and that he did! Mike Eaddy has contributed to my life in such a positive way. I will ever be grateful and thankful for his friendship. We shot again today with Dan Nunnally, the owner of Sexy Vision Swimwear and he is such a trip! Dan traveled here to Myrtle Beach this weekend to finally meet his Top Model in person and to shoot with me himself. It was truly a lot of fun! You guys truly have the ability to make me look like a Barbie Doll !!!
Mom, guys are truly a blessing to me! Brett has given me stability and security for the past 8 years of my life. Mom, you will always be my best friend...and worst! She taught me about constructive criticism and has been such a support system in my year as America's Teen and in my acting and modeling career endeavors.
Life is really good! Thanks Jennifer for your ongoing support and direction of the Beauties of America pageant! This opportunity that has presented itself in my life would not have been possible without you and of course your wonderful Mom too!
I have hundreds more, but I just wanted to take a moment to see that I am blessed!
I will def be back soon!
Laurie Kimsey, America's Teen
Monday, May 18, 2009
Paranormal filming and Nascar Event!!

Hi All!
I had a great time on Friday May 15, 2009 at Gordon's BBQ in Apex NC where I had the opportunity to not only film my role as Caraline....but I got to make an appearance at the same time as Beauties of America's Teen!
The producers of Paranormal at Cross Shadow Productions were such wonderful people! We had a great time, filmed my scene, and signed some autographs to talk up not only the film that will be released in fall 2009, but the Beauties of America Pageant!
Paranormal is produced by a Christian production company combining the current trend and interest in the paranormal with a Christian production that will be mysterious, fun, yet family oriented!
Thanks again for casting me Cross Shadow Productions....and for asking me to make an appearance for BOA!
Then on Saturday May 16th I traveled South toward Charlotte NC where I was booked as a Verizon Wireless Promotional Girl for the Justin Allgaier #12 Verizon Wireless race car! Beauties of America's Teen once again made herself known at the All Star Race and cheered everyone along! Congrats to Tony Stewart for taking the checkered flag!!
Until next time....
Laurie Kimsey Americas Teen!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Relay For Life
On April 24, 2009 I had the wonderful opportunity to support the Myrtle Beach Relay for Life program at the Ripken Center in Myrtle Beach, SC. At 7:00 pm I sang the National Anthem with the support of the local NJROTC Colour Guard supporting me! I walked in the opening parade with the multitude of cancer survivors and it made my heart so warm to see that people are beating this dreadful disease. The Cancer Survivors were dressed in their purple t-shirts and I was so happy to see their smiling faces. It was totally amazing! The event had tents set up to raise money for the Relay for Life Teams and at 11:00 pm, America's Teen had a great laugh as I crowned "Miss" Relay for Life, and I do use the term "Miss" loosely!
You see each of the teams had one of the men dress as a woman and rally the teams during the 7 to 11 hours at the event. As I crowned Miss Relay the crowds roared and I thought it was just so much fun!
Earlier in the week on Tuesday, I had a cool job working in Charlotte NC as part of the Verizon Team staying connected while meeting Nascar driver Justin Allgaier. In the commercial I was there filming we yelled, "Go Lil Gator!", which as most of you know was quite easy for me since I am the worlds most obnoxious Florida Gator fan, but that's another blog!!...and of course another "Gator" :)
Let's all keep supporting our favorite charities whether it be fighting cancer, fighting against ALS, or whatever is in your heart to support! Most of all, just find a cause and support it! I am so thankful for my health, for my family, and for the safety that God bestows upon my life each and everyday....and I hope to NEVER take it for grantid!
Til next time,
Laurie Kimsey, America's Teen
You see each of the teams had one of the men dress as a woman and rally the teams during the 7 to 11 hours at the event. As I crowned Miss Relay the crowds roared and I thought it was just so much fun!
Earlier in the week on Tuesday, I had a cool job working in Charlotte NC as part of the Verizon Team staying connected while meeting Nascar driver Justin Allgaier. In the commercial I was there filming we yelled, "Go Lil Gator!", which as most of you know was quite easy for me since I am the worlds most obnoxious Florida Gator fan, but that's another blog!!...and of course another "Gator" :)
Let's all keep supporting our favorite charities whether it be fighting cancer, fighting against ALS, or whatever is in your heart to support! Most of all, just find a cause and support it! I am so thankful for my health, for my family, and for the safety that God bestows upon my life each and everyday....and I hope to NEVER take it for grantid!
Til next time,
Laurie Kimsey, America's Teen
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