Thursday, October 9, 2008

Chicago Here I Come!!! Navy Pier

ROADTRIP!!! Driving to Chicago IL from Myrtle Beach, SC was an quite the experience! We drove up to the fantastic city of Chicago, IL for the Chicago Bridal Market. The city was fast and furious. I had a wonderful time and while I was in the Windy City I took the BOA Crown for a tour of the Navy Pier. The ferris wheel was so majestic! The breeze from Lake Michigan would chill you to the bone even though 50 degrees was considered "mild" for! (That's winter time weather at home in Myrtle Beach). The ships and sailboats filled the harbour and they were so lovely. As the wind blew the sails looked like they were dancing back and forth. I had my picture taken with several tourists as well as locals along the pier. It was great having such a golden opportunity to wear my Beauties of America fur coat from Fabulous Furs (BOA sponsors are so amazing!).
During this trip I visited seven states: SC, NC, TN, KY, IN, OH, and of course IL.
In some states I only visited briefly, but I definitely hope to go back sometimes!
Laurie Kimsey, America's Teen

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